My personal opinion:
Definitely not any doctrinal change. That crap changes at the annual mtg.
I think this has something to do with MONEY.
LOSTGENERATION might be onto something as far as tithing. Perhaps the US zone will be accorded the "privilege" of being the first in the world where they will test this new pilot program for tithing, although they won't use the word "tithing." They'll have invented some Watchtower Newspeak word for it.
But what about that Russell quote about soliciting funds? some may ask.
Russell Schmussell. He was never the FDS anyway.
Or. . . .
This could have something to do with the whole Kingdom Hall building racket. . . .
Just like Spain got a letter stating Halls will be shut down and consolidated, perhaps they will announce "We have the privilege to inform you that after taking all of your congregations funds, we are now dissolving your congregation, selling your hall, and sending you to a different hall an hour away."